How to Keep Humidity in a Glass Terrarium

How to Keep Humidity in a Glass Terrarium

Terrariums are generally low-maintenance. Because the plants and the soil in terrariums release water vapor, they essentially recycle the water it produces. If sealed, terrariums can be self-nourishing.  Regardless, it’s important to know how to keep humidity in...
What’s A Molten Glass Driftwood Terrarium?

What’s A Molten Glass Driftwood Terrarium?

A molten glass driftwood terrarium is the pinnacle of home gardening; it’s as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional. If you’re looking to add an eye-catching piece to your home that can double as a terrific terrarium then you’re going to want to...
Top 3 Air Plant Terrarium Kits for Beginners

Top 3 Air Plant Terrarium Kits for Beginners

Tillandsia plants, commonly known as air plants, are an excellent way to add life to your home. Air plants are easy to care for, primarily because they get most of their nutrients from the air and require no soil to thrive.  Aside from needing little upkeep, these...
How to Create a Terrarium for Carnivorous Plants

How to Create a Terrarium for Carnivorous Plants

Do you remember the “Little Shop of Horrors?” That classic movie was my first encounter with carnivorous plants. Even though my friends were terrified of the enormous alien-like talking plant, I thought it was so cool. After I grew up, I discovered that real-life...
How to Make a DIY Moss Terrarium

How to Make a DIY Moss Terrarium

Are you interested in an inexpensive terrarium that’s truly low maintenance? Well, a DIY moss terrarium is perfect for you. Don’t worry, if you want more from your mossy paradise, there’ll be plenty of information here for you too. Because moss is so...